7515 West Bluemound Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53213 
(414) 453-4875

Call ahead and use our
pick-up window!

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Flavor of the Day

Our Gilles Family

Featured Family Member




Quote of the Month:  "It is never to late to be what you could have been"-George Elliot. 

Employees of the Month: TBA!!!!!

Thank you for your outstanding performance and keep up the great work!!


Come to the stand often? Share your favorite memories with the staff and it can put a spotlight on our great staff and contribute towards a vote for the next employee of the month!!



Check us out!

Shout Outs!

Congratulations to the following on getting certified on their stations: Alejandro on FR and also Natalie On CA. thanks for your hard work and your consistant improvment and dedication to the Gilles' family keep up the excellent work!!!

Feb Birthdays 

Connor S- 2/7 

Your Gilles' family love you all here's to another year!

Feb  Anniversaries:

Lexi J: 2/6/18 ( 7 Yrs)

Tae : 2/28/19 ( 6 Yrs)

Sly M: 2/20/23 ( 2 Yrs)